Doodles Sheltering in Place


At the time, we had no idea they would be part of a major event in history.


In October 2019, an adorable six-puppy litter was born to Candie and Pickles. At the time, we had no idea they would be part of a major event in history. Little did we suspect that a pandemic was lurking in our hometowns and little did we know the havoc it would wreak in our lives.

On a beautiful winter day in January, with the “coronavirus” still an unknown, we enjoyed a lively “meet and greet” for the new puppies and their prospective families. There was excitement in the air as we played together with the pups, enjoyed sweet fellowship, and shared delicious food on our lovely Doodleville campus.

The following week, the puppies were selected for their future homes in San Francisco, New York City, North Carolina, and Tennessee. What fabulous lives awaited them when they were ready in April for their forever homes! The Corona 19 virus would change all that. The virus didn’t just touch Doodleville. It affected our entire country. People nursed their sick loved ones and some even lost family members to this devastating disease. Many folks lost their jobs and others sheltering-in-place have suffered extreme loneliness. These have been challenging times.

Here in Doodleville, training puppies has kept me extremely busy -- no time to read books, binge-watch my favorite TV shows, take online classes or learn a new language. With my employees homebound, the workload increased dramatically. My husband David has been my hero. He is a canine jack-of-all-trades, helping with myriad daily chores and details. Taking care of so many doodles, our days are long and demanding, the perfect diversion from the news and the dilemma facing our country. Our shelter-in-place saving grace came in the form of doodles and hard work.

To accomplish the goals of my training program, I had to become resourceful and creative. I never dreamed I would socialize my puppies through the bank drive-through glass partition; introduce them to human faces wearing masks; notify families that they could not pick up their long-awaited puppies because of a pandemic. I never dreamed I would not have easy access to a veterinarian or would experience difficulty obtaining the copious amounts of dog food my pack demands. I certainly never dreamed that my groomer would be ecstatic when her tip was three rolls of toilet paper!

As time goes by, I am certain I won’t forget my “coronavirus litter.” It’s with mixed feelings that I let these little ones go. They have made life with Corona 19 less painful and more fulfilling. Nonetheless, it is time to pass the torch from our home to yours, where these special puppies will begin their lives of adventure and love with their forever families.

From the start of my business eight years ago, everyone who took home one of our doodles became part of our extended family. Your doodles become a significant part of that family. They have left deep, indelible little paw prints on my heart. These babies, born during a pandemic, and the families welcoming them will hold a unique and beloved place in my memory always.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this unusual, trying time in our lives. We can truly say, “We’ve all been in this together.” I love your doodles, and you, deeply.


Jan Young


Candie's Story